Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

akik Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri Follow the Gembatu pancawarna I se Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Yopi Arianto deputized [by] the duty executor ( Plt) Sekda Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Agus Rianto open ficially Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Saturday ( 7 / 2) night [in] Green Belt Rengat. Exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & Biggest Nogosui [] this se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto will take place from date 7 till 14 Februari 2015 coming.

One other trying introduced [at] this Promo Gamebatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [is] local batu pancawarna [] origin  famous Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Laksmana Indragiri in so many contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui in Indonesia. Even during near by, Laksmana Indragiri will immediately [in] patenting as one  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Partake to attend [at] the opening ceremony [] Dandim 0302 Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Letkol Inf Edison S Sinabutar, Lead The Public Attorney  Country  Rengat Teuku Rahman, Wakapolres Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Kompol Defrianto, Chief  Association  Pencinta and Devotee Petrify The Jewel  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Ir Ajie Panatagama, Creative Chief Indragiri Pate;Upstream [] Adri Bahar and also all functionary [in] environment  Pemkab Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Chief  Committee  Executor  Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Major [] Kav Sukri Hendri say that the exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui represent which pertamakalinya executed [in] esplanade. Previous cause, activity [] like this [is] only executed [in] Mall or building.

According to Sukri Hendri, this activity [is] followed by community  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui from various area [in] Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and also from entire/all subdistrict [in] Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. Besides exhibition, [at] this activity [is] also executed [by] contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui which its winner will be determined direct by society. Committee also conducive to the geology expert so that society later will comprehend about quality petrify.

: “ this Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto also aim to to lift the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto namely Laksmana Indragiri. Cause  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui have [is] enough enthused [by] the society in Indonesia because owning compared to [by] separate manner and glamor [] other;dissimilar batu pancawarna in Indonesia,” say nya.

Today Contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [in] Dundangan, Pelalawan.

Today Saturday ( 3/1/15) citizen Sorek, Mortar Basis, Pelalawan, Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, performing [a] exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, what its type race, Lotus, Sweet Lemon, Petrify the Jangek, and various other batu pancawarna type.

: " From its manapun regency, in essence petrify the origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto," Clear [] experienced batu pancawarna contest committee or akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Ujang Whiskers, [in] Basis Kerinci.

Non just that besides local batu pancawarna contest various external batu pancawarna exhibition [is] also presented, but the batu pancawarna for the diperjual  belikan, whereas to all contest imposed [by] a registration expense [] equal to 25 Thousand per akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui.

: " Merely 25  its Thousand aja registration fee, and its present 25 Million Rupiah for first place," Clear [] Ujang.

first Slain Champion have prize in the form  entertainment amusement and which terheh [is] also provided [by] a committee, in this time have 1000 akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [is] enlisted [in] committee desk, keriteria race please contact the just just committee.

: " Insya Allah tomorrow Sunday ( this 4/1/15) contest evening will be closed and gift have prize in the evening nya, gift have prize [in] accompanying local Band [is] which have nuance [to] [] Malay in the evening nya," Tukasnya.(Basya)

[At] that opportunity, Sukri Hendri also say thank you to Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto provide the creative community kiosk [is] which have location [to] [in] Sultan Road;Street, precisely around SPBU Rengat. Expected [by] [through/ passing] this kiosk existence will be able to improve the creative society prosperity [in] Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Chief  Association  Pencinta and Devotee Petrify The Jewel  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Ir Ajie Panatagama give the apresiasi and appreciation which at the farthest to Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto succeeded to execute the Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. Activity [] like this represent which pertamakali executed and expected will be able to introduce the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

: " During the near by, us will carry out the contest petrify the se Indonesia and we will introduce the batu pancawarna  origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, one  them is Laksmana Indragiri  origin  Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto,” he said.

Meanwhile, Plt Sekda Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Agus Rianto SH confess the pride with the Creative community Indragiri Pate;Upstream able to dig the potency  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and expose to the ama Laksmana Indragiri. Plt Sekda hope the name  Laksmana Indragiri earn immediately [in] patenting as one  individuality  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

: " Creative Friend Indragiri Pate;Upstream have incised the gold ink [] because blessing  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri, name  Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto enough [in] recognizing wide in Indonesia. We hope this potency can be non-stoped dug [by] [so that/ to be] able to improve the society prosperity, specially all pengerajin  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui And Pemkab Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto will be non-stoped to support the development effort [] [through/ passing] various aid  equipments and promotion," say nya.

[At] the opportunity, Plt Sekda also noticing to all pengerajin  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui can together pay attention to the environmental impact, so that activity  processing  akik  Badar Iron & Harmless Nogosui [] other;dissimilar society.

: " [So that/ to be] popular batu pancawarna Laksmana Indragiri progressively, I hope to head SKPD also can socialize to other;dissimilar PNS ficer and [in] its fice, so that minimize one people can use one akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri," express the nya. [ devoted]

Lift The Local batu pancawarna Potency, Association  Creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Perform The Contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui.

Place [in] green esplanade [] Town Rengat, Regency  Indragiri Pate;Upstream ( Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto), Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Association  Creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and community  society  pencinta and worker  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, perform the contest petrify the Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto specially origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. This Contest will take place during one week to the fore, namely [at] Saturday ( 7-14/2/2015). This contest [is] called " Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto".

: " We see the, potency and quality petrify the Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto very good and enthused [by] the many people, especially among all pencinta and worker  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui. So that community  akik  Badar Iron & Existing Nogosui [] having a mind to make a promo or contest  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui", say the Chief  event Committee, H Agusrianto, [through/ passing] Chief  Association  creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Adri Bahar to Gocilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.Com, Friday ( 6/2/2015) via selulernya.

[Is] told [by] Adri, implementation  contest  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui remember the height  society enthusiasm which love with the natural product, khusu  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, [do] not only [in] Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto or Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto even the totality manca state. Thereby, expected with the existence  this contest able to lift the natural product  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and result  masterpiece  child nergri.

type  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui which follow this contest there [is] two kinds , that is type petrify the transparent or artless ( tampa motif) and akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  have Motif [to] for all size measure. " For the team  assessor, we give the rights to audience or visitor to assess the element or value which implied in the on display [by] batu pancawarna [] competitor. Because in this time Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [do] not own the geology expert in determining rate or assess the akik  Badar Iron & The Nogosui", mention.

[Is] enhanced [by] Adri, this contest [do] not only present the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, but also present to dwarf the ( cretinous crop [is] above pot). So far have 40 akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui and 30 dwarfing registered [by] a competitor. But there (be) still to enlist before opening ceremony. Because from the competitor candidate still bast their batu pancawarna before presented.

: " By promo this, we also hope able to lift the this area potency. Hence, we urge to community or pecinta  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui to immediately to enlist to committee party. This Promo [is] planned will be opened direct by Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, H Yopi Arianto. For the registration , committee [is] only imposed [by] expense [] equal to Rp50 thousand to one batu pancawarna", accuse the former Sub-Regency chief that Rengat [is] menjelaskan.(jef ==================

WOW . Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui Purbalingga Loo like by Bungbulang [Is] sold to [by] Heel.

Tens  citizen produce immeasurable [] august batu pancawarna [] Kampong origin / countryside klawing nagasui, Subdistrict Karangnunggal, Regency Purbalingga, becoming Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui. Although Particoloured akik quality & the akik Nogosui loo like the Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui  origin Bungbulang, Garut, famous, but citizen sell [it] at the price  heeling.

Ade Karyana ( 58), Kampong citizen / countryside Digress the, Subdistrict Bantarkalong, [is] one  citizen produced [by] xself Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui klawing nagasui. In this time collect the Particoloured akik & akik Nogosuinya have reached 172 item added [by] nine Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui for the liontin . Its price relative heel to start from Rp 300 thousand until Rp 1 million.

As long as 5 Km Walke the Sarakan, access road two countryside that is Countryside  Cikukulu-Desa Cibatuireng, Subdistrict Karangnunggal, hard damage Regency Tasikmalaya. [At] the through the street, road;street consumer will not find the road;street smoothly pave the. Road;Street passed by holey with the batu pancawarnay [] equal to baby head met alongside transportation;journey.

According to monitoring " PRLM" that matter make the road;street consumer is not balmy. For kendaraan wheel four frequent slow down its speed, meanwhile for kendaraan wheel two met to frequent lead the kendaraannya to workshop closest because do not their tire seldom be shrink and experience  the damage shockbreaker [] because too much guncangan caused [by] a surging road;street surface.

According To Chief  Body  Permusyawaeatan Countryside ( BPD) Cikukulu Supriatna, the road;street not yet got the repair touch by local government. [His] side have raised the repair to pemkab, but its realization till in this time not yet been existed. Last, that matter [is] raised in the early last Februari in a few meeting opportunity with all related/relevant functionary.

: " (It) is true likely citizen get the clarification [] when related/relevant to on duty [do/conduct] the measurement and pengontrolan alongside damage road;street. That matter [is] happened from year to year, since five year ago but that is in the reality ditunggu-tunggu not yet also there [is] repair," he/she said, Sunday ( 20 / 3).

Supriatna say the, its[his] sulky saking [is] citizen nickname the the road;street by way  Dipatiukur. Its Section [is] the road;street non-stoped to be measured [by] without there [is] its realization. Still, citizen [do] not await without doing. They self-supporting improve;repair the damage assessed to endanger by bergotong [is] royong.

Farther, Supriatna explain the, urgency access the so the necessary for traffic  citizen activity especially [crafting/ diligence] transportation Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui over there. Others, to all farmer, the road;street attendance represent to access worthwhile in transporting all agricultural produce type.

Supriatna lay open the, the road;street connect the Roadway Karangnunggal to some other countryside, among other things to Countryside Cibatu, Countryside Cintawangi, also Countryside Sukawangun. Others, walke mentioned as [by] a alternative band [go] to the subdistrict Cikatomas.

He enhance, last multiply the repair and the road;street asphalt became  [by] the year 1980-an. But because the road;street used [by] without there [is] repair, hence its condition [is] hard day after day becoming more.

Meanwhile, Maman ( 40), citizen  Countryside Cikukulu, what also a Particoloured akik batu pancawarnamason & akik Nogosui [] [at] about the road;street [] mangaku ten [release] the expense  larger ones treatment. Shockbreaker break because frequent tread the hole alongside the road;street.

: " Though new anyar keneh karek ge kamari kenging ngagentos jigger, jaba ayena mah janten mineng nyetel pelk deuih, pokona mah kapaksa naekeun fare, sanajan protested [by] passenger oge" express Maman.

: " According to quality me petrify the klawing nagasui do not fail by Bungbulang. [is] Just only in course  finishing [in] klawing nagasui not yet maximal, so that from side gleam [it] fail by Bungbulang. But from side  pattern and motif (are) all the same to," word Ade, as great as showing its collection, [is] particoloured among other things, giok, levender, particoloured [] batik, firus, diesel fuel, green [] moss, assorted [] balsam and also scarce batu pancawarna [] jasper. ( stf)

Then how effort Ade [] [so that/ to be] Particoloured akik quality & akik  Nogosui klawing nagasui do not fail by Bungbulang?

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