Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Petani Tinggalkan Sawah Demi Batu Klawing

 Banyumas Purwokerto – Demam batu Klawing membuat masyarakat di Kabupaten Banyumas Purwokerto, Jawa Timur, beralih profesi dari petani menjadi pengrajin. Mereka banyak mendapat pesanan pembuatan batu Klawing serta batu hias jenis batu tawon, teratai serta batu chalcedony.

Hampir seluruh masarakat Desa Sambikerep, Kecamatan Rejoso, Kabupaten Banyumas Purwokerto yg beralih profesi menjadi pengrajin batu hias. Salah satunya adalah Nyaman (42) warga setempat.

Menjadi penambang nilai jual bahan batu batu hias mentah tidak seberapa dibandingkan jika batu telah diolah menjadi batu hias. Jika dari tangan penambang harga batu tersebut sebesar Rp 20 ribu perkilogramnya, namun setelah diolah menjadi batu hias harganya bisa mencapai Rp10 juta perbuah.

“Keinginan saya bisa membuka wawasan kepada masyarakat, bahwa mengolah batu khas daerah menjadi batu hias adalah upaya melestarikan kekayaan daerah. Jangan sampai milik kita sendiri dieksploitasi ke luar Negeri, bahkan dijarah. Bahan baku batu hiasa teratai, taron serta batu khas lain mulai sulit dicari,” kata Naman, pengrajin asal Kabupaten Banyumas Purwokerto, Senin (09/3/2015)

Pemasaran batu hias ini, imbuhnya lumayan jauh. Pembeli batu hias ini biasanya datang dari Surabaya, Bali, Jakarta hingga tembus ke Manca Negara, Jepang, China serta Korea.

Salah satu pelanggan batu hias ini adalah Muhamad Yasin warga Kelurahan Pojok, Kecamatan Mojoroto, Kota Kediri. Yasin membeli batu hias dari Nyaman untuk di belah kecilkecil diolah untuk diadikan batu Klawing, serta ketika mendapat batu, yg kualitas bagus, dia bisa menjualnya kepada kolektor batu hias.

Koleksi 50 Lebih Klawing Unik Bertulis Lafal Allah Hingga Simbol Salib

Tidak ada yg menyangka bila lelaki 65 tahun ini berhasil memecahkan rekor musium Rekor  Indonesia hanya mengkoleksi batu Klawingnya . Klawing koleksinya tidak sembarangan di jual di pasaran. Koleksinya memiliki kriteria keunikan serta asal daerahnya.
“Terdapat 50 lebih batu Klawing yg tersirat simbol tertentu yg membawa sugesti positif bagi pemiliknya,” kata Hepi sang kolektor Klawing.

Tidak hanya itu Klawing yg dikoleksinya pun memiliki kriteria koleksi internasional, yg diperolehnya dari 7 negara di asia maupun barat. Tapi, Klawing berlafal Allah ini berasal Pacitan jawa timur serta Klawing yg berasal dari banten ini bertuliskan salib kristus, hingga batu yg bergambar perahu.

“Saya juga ada gambar bunda maria di temukan di dalam sejumlah batu koleksi,” akunya.

Anehnya, dari sekian koleksinya ada yg dapat berjalan dengan sendirinya saat diberi cairan jeruk purut. serta untuk batu yg unik, Hepi mengaku tidak menjualnya. Namun batu yg tidak bercorak namun terkesan langka biasa dijual paling murah mencapai 5 juta rupiah hingga 500 juta rupiah .

“Koleksi batu saya berasal dari Columbia, Seilon, Birma, Thailand, Tiongkok, serta Timur Tengah, ” terangnya.

Hepai mengaku telah mengoleksi batu ini sejak berumur 20 tahun sejak tahun 1950 an. sebab batu Klawing cukup booming di tanah air, membuat penjualan batu Klawing naik hingga 50 persen dari penjualan pada tahun sebelumnya.

Di tempatnya menyimpan ratusa koleksi Klawing, Hepi juga memiliki alat menguji keaslian dari batu Klawing dengan menggunakan sensor kepadatan batu mulia .

Korem 032/Wbr Gelar Pameran serta Kontes Batu Klawing Internasional

Setelah suk­ses menyelenggarakan swasembada pangan untuk tiga tahun ke depan di Jawa Tengah Barat (Sumbar) beberapa waktu yg lalu. Kali ini Komando Resort Militer (Korem) 032/Wira­braja akan menggelar pameran serta kontes batu Klawing Internasional.

Dengan diadakan kontes itu, sebab demam batu Klawing atau batu mulia telah merambah kesemua lapisan masyarakat, baik itu dari kalangan atas, menengah serta bawah di Jawa Tengah Barat (Sumbar). Maka dari itu digelar serta baru pertama kali digelar di Makorem 032/Wbr dengan tajuk “Wirabraja Expo 2015”.

Pameran tersebut dijadwalkan dibuka pada pendaftaran pada tanggal 14 hingga 18 Maret 2015 di Makorem 032/Wbr. Kemudian Pameran serta kontes batu diselenggarakan pada 19 sampai 22 Maret 2015.

“Sebelum dibuka pendaftaran tersebut, sejauh ini sudah ada peserta dari luar negeri untuk mengikuti pameran serta kontes batu Klawing, yakni Singapura, Cina serta Malaysia,” kata Komandan Korem (Danrem) 032/Wirabraja Brigjen TNI Widagdo Hendro Sukoco, kemarin.

Dikatakan Widagdo, pameran serta kontes batu Klawing terbesar ini akan dirangkai dengan sejumlah kegiatan, di antaranya, pasar rakyat serta lelang batu, grand opening sentra batu Klawing Sumbar, bazar sembako murah serta dihibur oleh artis Minang (Mak Lepoh).

Digelarnya kegiatan ini, kata Widagdo, bertujuan menjadikan Sumbar sebagai kota tujuan wisata serta membuka peluang bagi usaha kecil menengah dalam menciptakan ekonomi kreatif menghadapi pasar bebas. Selain itu, mendorong pemerintah setempat supaya menyediakan tempat pameran serta promosi, rekreasi serta pagelaran seni budaya yg hidup di masyarakat kota ini.

“Selain itu, dengan terselenggaranya kontes tersebut dapat menambah omset panghasilan bagi masyarakat yg berjualan. serta kita juga berupaya untuk mengangkat atau mempromosikan batu-batu mulia yg ada di Sumbar bisa lebih dikenal,” jelasnya.

Dilanjutkannya, nantinya akan diperlombakan 22 kelas kontes batu Klawing, yaitu lumut hijau medium, lumut hijau jumbo, lumut campuran medium, lumut campuran jumbo, sungai dareh small (0-15 crat/labor), sungai dareh medium (15-30 crat/labor), sungai dareh jumbo (30 crat ke atas/labor), nagasui small (0-20 crat/labor), nagasui medium (20-35 crat/labor) serta nagasui jumbo (35 crat ke atas/labor).

Kemudian aksesoris wanita (cincin, gelang, kalung serta bros), chalcedony medium, chalcedony jumbo, liontin motif, liontin warna, cincin motif, panca warna, Jawa Tengah Purwokerto indocrase, Jawa Tengah Purwokerto solar, garut medium (0-35 crat/labor), garut jumbo (35 crat ke atas/labor) serta Nusantara Internasional Campuran.

Untuk mensukseskan kegiatan tersebut, Korem 032/Wbr bekerja sama dengan Pemprov Sumbar, Polda Sumbar serta sponsor lainnya. “Untuk bagi pemenag, kita telah menyiap­kan sertifikat dari Danrem 032/Wbr, Kapolda Sumbar serta Gubernur Sumbar. Dalam kontes batu Klawing tersebut, juga memperebutkan satu unit mobil bagi pemenang,” ungkapnya. (h/nas)

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

cheap akik Bacan [] Rp 8 Million Stolen from Fancy Store [in] Bekasi.

A shop [in] floor 3 Grand Mall Bekasi leaked [by] a thief robing seven cheap akik bacan [] type bacan.

Kasubag  Liaison  Polresta Bekasi  Town  AKP Siswo explain the, the event happened [by] about at 13.00 WIB, Thursday ( 8/1/2015) day.

That moment [is] so called tradesman [] Wind Yuliantao ( 30) will open the its[his] cheap akik bacan shop [in] Grand Mall Bekasi.

: " Moment open the run  the mill shop, but moment seen [by] cheap akik bacan [] its property decrease seven fruit," he/she said.

Siswo explain the, Wind [do] not see the existence  damage [in] its shop. There [is] seven missing cheap akik bacan, four type petrify the bacan, one screw pine batu pancawarna, one green batu pancawarna [] garut, and one colour pentameter.

: " Totalize the loss [] about Rp8 million. This case still in investigation," brightness.

Seven cheap akik bacan fruit at the price  Rp 8 million have been stolen from fancy store [in] a shopping centre [in] Bekasi. The Fancy store owned by Wind Yulianto, citizen  Chief  Village  Expectation Mulya, Field Satria, Bekasi.

: " Its occurence yesterday evening, at that time new victim will open the shop," say the Head  Sub Units  Public Relations  Polresta Bekasi  Town  Ajun  Commissary Siswo to Kompas.Com, Friday ( 9/1/2015).

[At] this theft case, Siswo tell, there [is] bizzare matter. Wind Time open its shop, [there] no door marking have been opened forcibly. Door condition at that moment still be locked [by] meeting.

Siswo tell, initially Wind [do] not feel to distrust have been happened [by] loss [in] its fancy store. After a few moments, Wind newly realize there [is] missing ornament in its shop. For example in the form  four cheap akik bacan [] type bacan, one cheap akik bacan [] screw pine type, one cheap akik bacan [] green type [] garut, and one cheap akik bacan [] type  colour pentameter. If totalized, seventh [] the batu pancawarna for the price  by Rp 8 million.

In This Time, Polresta Bekasi Town [is] investigating cause [is loss  the cheap akik bacan. Police also will ask the boldness to Wind [] concerning whosoever owning the shop key.

: " Inclusive  what this stolen real correct, or brought [by] a employees for the treatment . If stolen, what stolen [by] the insider, all these will be developed," say Siswo.

Shop [in] Grand Mall Bekasi Leaked [by] a cheap akik bacan Thief.

Kombatan GAM Follow To Hunt The batu pancawarna  Cempaka Honey.

cheap akik bacan phenomenon (it) is true the no ending. After caused an uproar with the existence  jade, nowadays Acheh return caused a commotion with the finding petrify the cempaka honey. Petrify the cempaka combine that come from Glorious Acheh Regency, precisely [in] area  Subdistrict Panga.

The batu pancawarna own the separate keunikan. Besides respecting looked into [by] a eye, petrify that believed [by] the berkhasiat. It is said he/she said, the batu pancawarna can become the sweetener, pelaris merchanidise, and also cure can or poison.

In this time society [in] Glorious Acheh Regency [is] exploiting popularity petrify that as new production source. Every day hundreds  local citizen go to mount to hunt the batu pancawarna which again the tren. They ready to walk till tens  kilometre for the shake  getting that valuable batu pancawarna sell high. [Do] not only adult men, woman and children partake plunged [by] into hole which can ’’ animating’’ their economics [is] the.

[In] mining location, they scrap the soul in hole dug till 2–8 metre. They also have to ready to melawan charge the wellspring which sudden emerge from within land;ground. Without commanded, each;every mineworker bring the other;dissimilar supply and bailer to look for the the honey chromatic batu pancawarna.

In one day, they sometime can get the kiloan block petrify. If that batu pancawarna [is] sold, its price can reach the Rp 4 million per kilo to petrify the super quality honey. There [is] also which come home empty-handed. But, spirit [] them to hunt the the experienced batu pancawarna have never withdrawn. Its morrow [is] they return the berjibaku with the danger  mud and landslide which at any times can befall the them in hole.

Joel, former kombatan  Acheh Movement Independence the ( GAM) which nowadays hunt that batu pancawarna with other;dissimilar society express, to get the super goods, they have to be assiduous and patient dig the hole. ’’ Sometime, in one day, we have to dig some hole with the deepness 1–7 metre. assidinity And patience become the big capital in broil petrify this. Cause, sometime there [is], sometime [do] not,’’ say the chummy man addressed And the Ops.

that Rock activity prit all society coat. Start the mineworker, penadah ( agent, Red), till worker sharpen and cheap akik bacan merchant at retail. Rizal Ayubi, one or the other [] penadah petrify the cempaka combine [in] Town Calang, enhancing that that batu pancawarna in this time (it) is true very digandrungi [] various circle. Start the ordinary society till this country functionary. ’’ Petrify this not merely Acheh citizen which wear, but also from outside area and abroad,’’ say nya.

According to he/she, cempaka honey hunted in this time [is] red type cempaka honey or referred [as] [by] Mirah Sitrop ( red [] syrup, Red) by local citizen. Others, there [is] lavender type and also sunkis. He/She explain, since the batu pancawarna popular, x'self have got the big advantage. In one day, he/she can meraup rupiah till tens  million. ’’ [At] least, we get the Rp 8 million in one day,’’ express nya

Keude Panga Become The Center  cheap akik bacan Market.

After executing cheap akik bacan exhibition [in] Market  Vegetable  Keude Panga, Subdistrict Panga, Glorious Acheh, nowadays local Pemkab will make that area as center  cheap akik bacan market permanently. stipulating  Market  Keudee Panga as the cheap akik bacan center, to facilitate the pecinta petrify to get kinds  type collect the cheap akik bacan specially representing typically Glorious Acheh.

Sub-Regency chief Panga, Jauhari, explaining that batu pancawarna commercialized [in] that location represent the local batu pancawarna in the form  Cempaka Combine and a number  other batu pancawarna type. So that batu pancawarna exhibition executed recently can have continuation, so that facilitate all buyer candidate to find the location becoming center  the cheap akik bacan merchant.

: “ Glorious Policy Pemkab Acheh make the Keude Panga as center  this cheap akik bacan sale, on the basis  local citizen request, on the chance  economic rotation [] citizen [in] that area can mount. So that the market nowadays have been specified [by] as cheap akik bacan center [is] single [in] Glorious Acheh,” word Jauhari, Monday.

: [is] Previous , Glorious Acheh Regent [] Ir Azhar Abdurrahman, moment close the event  cheap akik bacan exhibition [in] Subdistrict Panga, Sunday ( 4 / 1) night mention, since performed [his/its] [is] cheap akik bacan exhibition one week then, location  vegetable market [in] that Keude Panga nowadays [is] like fun visited [by] the buyer candidate from Glorious Acheh region, and also from outside area.

This matter  course affect positive for effort [is make-up  local citizen economics. Citizen even also later;then ask that location [is] made [by] center  cheap akik bacan market and Glorious Pemkab Acheh even also support the the suggestion. “ With the existence  this cheap akik bacan market, will facilitate the transaction  cheap akik bacan sales with the ikon; Market  Cempaka Honey,” he said.

But, he remind the local citizen [so that/ to be] always court to buyer candidate, and merchant [do] not install the price too high, to make the buyer candidate from outside area shy at to come to this location.


Market  Devris Bogor " its heaven" petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi.

Market Devris which is located in Road;Street  Veteran  Town Bogor, West Java, changing function become the " heaven" merchant petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi , tens  merchant vend multifarious [] type manner petrify the bacan and the high valuable experienced nogo suwi.

Director  Company  Glorious Market Pakuan Area, Ali Yusuf, telling there [is] 40 merchant and worker petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi registering x'self to can to use facility [in] Market Devris.

: " We accomodate the merchant can berjualan [] during free three months, at the same time see the enthusiasm and incoming animo society," word Ali, [in] Bogor, Sunday.

Since opened [by] have there [is] about 12 merchant filling market from early, one  them is Muhammad Galih Permana ( 35). About 100 ring petrify the bacan and its nogo suwi collection [is] he demonstrate to incoming visitor.

Price and model and also ring type petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi sold even also believe in, start from price sell the terendah Rp1 million till Rp7 million to petrify the bacan and high nogo suwi quality.

: " petrify the bacan and nogo suwi bacan and this nogo suwi Dogo [is] its price [is] Rp2 million, if batu pancawarna  bacan and this nogo suwi rubi [is] Rp1.250.000," word Galih to its visitor.

Ring petrify the bacan and nogo suwi sold by Galih come from various area in Indonesia and also abroad, like batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi Rubi  chromatic pink coming from African, also there [is] petrify the bacan and nogo suwi coming from Srilanka.

Most  all ring petrify the bacan and nogo suwi sold represent the personal collection collecting  since still sit [in] bench SMP.

: " Hobby [] since SMP, at that time have there [is] 300 batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi [is] which I collect," he/she said.

Before batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi " booming" like in this time, Galih only collect and sell peculiarly by from friend to friend [] if/when getting interesting price bargain.

But after batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi become the fenomea, Galih try the prit for the business  to become the seller petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi with the well guaranted quality and also have certificate.

petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  Ring  akik  bacan and Lucky cheap nogo suwi Most Searched.

petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  Ring  akik  bacan and Lucky cheap nogo suwi Most Searched – You  course have is not foreign with its name petrify the bacan and nogo suwi ring. Because almost majority [] all batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi ring very immeasurable form and its type. Start the batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi ring from class terendah to high class and or petrify the bacan and costly and cheap august nogo suwi all in once and have its enthusiast [is] separate. For example batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi ring for the akik  bacan and cheap nogo suwi , petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  jewel ring, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  pearl ring, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi ring from batu pancawarna  bacan and experienced nogo suwian and others. Your Tahukah, that from some batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi ring [] exist in this world some trusted can give a kind  tuah ( benefit ) to all its consumer. So, following some type petrify the bacan and nogo suwi ring trusted can give the tuah to all its consumer.

petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  akik  bacan and Lucky cheap nogo suwi [] Sulaiman petrify the bacan and lucky nogo suwi ring [] sulaiman  Friend anehdidunia.com petrify the bacan and nogo suwi Sulaiman believed [by] as batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi  choice  berkhodam genie which live [at] a period /to Prophet Sulaiman. petrify the bacan and nogo suwi Sulaiman have the specialty khasiat in the field  protection, properties, prosperity, intellegence, self confidence and authority. By paduan various the khasiat, hence petrify the bacan and nogo suwi Sulaiman very [is] compatible owned by whom even also. Specially entrepreneur, governmental functionary, learn the / dosen, student, landlord, merchant and farmer.

Media which [is] [is] used as [by] wadak petrify the bacan and nogo suwi Sulaiman [is] batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi with the best quality. Supported by khodam [is] genie by level [is] high spiritualitas, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi Sulaiman believed able to transmit the very strong positive energi. Khodam Genie which [is] [is] filled in believed to represent the khodam genie from team  Prophet Sulaiman petrify the bacan and Lucky nogo suwi Ring [] Balsam petrify the bacan and lucky nogo suwi ring [] balsam petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam very famous among all penghobi petrify the bacan and august nogo suwi. Especial reason because beautiful (it) is true [is] also trusted can give the tuah for its consumer. petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  Balsam or laity recognize with the batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi Amethyst [is] type petrify the bacan and nogo suwian  mineral kuarsa. [common/ public] Colour [at] batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi balsam [is] purple and there [is] young rose colored also.

Benefit petrify the bacan and lucky nogo suwi [] balsam [] In history, purple represent the colour used by King, Queen And member  empire family. In metaphysics, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam trusted to have a lot  benefit giving influence to successfulness live. Inclusive  in it [is] charming transmitter, awakening self confidence, love, authority and sensualitas. ancient Greek Society believe that batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi balsam can be used to lighten to get drunk the moment drink the grog. That is why, during the period all nob own the made glass from batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi balsam. [For a] while Europe society [] [at] middle ages trust that batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi balsam own benefit as selfprotection to mischance and magic attack.

petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam transmit the remarkable charming energi whom even also which hence [it]. Along  that's in Indonesia, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam [is] ten used as [by] a commiseration media. [So that/ to be] glamor [] the wearer petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam shine maximally so that see more beautiful / handsome. Others, petrify the bacan and nogo suwi balsam also transmit the energi spiritualitas to improve the kharisma and its consumer authority. For the reason, History note a lot  Penguasa/Raja/Pemimpin own the made ornament from batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi balsam.

petrify the bacan and Lucky August nogo suwi [] Cat Eye petrify the bacan and lucky nogo suwi ring [] eye  Cat cat [] since away back represent the very exotic animal as well as becoming peliharaan favorite by all nob. Myth which implied in this animal even also enough menyimpan mystery especially black kucng [is] which is for many European society [is] as form  symbol keapesan even death. friend Anehdidunia.Com differ from the ancient clan mesir assuming that cat [is] animal  titisan deity, just fair so that if cat for ancient resident mesir [is] animal having strength within reason deity.

Cat (it) is true very exotic especially [in] its eye shares [is] which is if residing in circumstance  light minim can shine will transmit the light. From exotic [] its eye, hence no wonder if type petrify the bacan and this nogo suwian [is] named with the ” batu pancawarna  bacan and nogo suwi  Cat Eye ( Cat’S Eyes batu pancawarna ” reason [] the core important because batu pancawarna  bacan and this nogo suwi have the guratan diameter within reason cat eye.

petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  cat eye also represent the type petrify the bacan and nogo suwian which is a lot  searched by all pengkolektor / penghobi petrify the bacan and august nogo suwian. From other side because kekesotisan and beauty [] nya, in the reality petrify the bacan and nogo suwi  cat eye also immeasurable menyimpan [] benefit ( tuah ) according to discipline  science supranatural. and following some its benefit :

intuition And Sensitivity, Improving Skill, Peeping Out Talent Hidden, Intelleg

akik Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri Follow the Gembatu pancawarna I se Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Yopi Arianto deputized [by] the duty executor ( Plt) Sekda Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Agus Rianto open ficially Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Saturday ( 7 / 2) night [in] Green Belt Rengat. Exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & Biggest Nogosui [] this se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto will take place from date 7 till 14 Februari 2015 coming.

One other trying introduced [at] this Promo Gamebatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [is] local batu pancawarna [] origin  famous Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Laksmana Indragiri in so many contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui in Indonesia. Even during near by, Laksmana Indragiri will immediately [in] patenting as one  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Partake to attend [at] the opening ceremony [] Dandim 0302 Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Letkol Inf Edison S Sinabutar, Lead The Public Attorney  Country  Rengat Teuku Rahman, Wakapolres Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Kompol Defrianto, Chief  Association  Pencinta and Devotee Petrify The Jewel  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Ir Ajie Panatagama, Creative Chief Indragiri Pate;Upstream [] Adri Bahar and also all functionary [in] environment  Pemkab Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Chief  Committee  Executor  Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Major [] Kav Sukri Hendri say that the exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui represent which pertamakalinya executed [in] esplanade. Previous cause, activity [] like this [is] only executed [in] Mall or building.

According to Sukri Hendri, this activity [is] followed by community  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui from various area [in] Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and also from entire/all subdistrict [in] Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. Besides exhibition, [at] this activity [is] also executed [by] contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui which its winner will be determined direct by society. Committee also conducive to the geology expert so that society later will comprehend about quality petrify.

: “ this Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto also aim to to lift the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto namely Laksmana Indragiri. Cause  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui have [is] enough enthused [by] the society in Indonesia because owning compared to [by] separate manner and glamor [] other;dissimilar batu pancawarna in Indonesia,” say nya.

Today Contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [in] Dundangan, Pelalawan.

Today Saturday ( 3/1/15) citizen Sorek, Mortar Basis, Pelalawan, Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, performing [a] exhibition  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, what its type race, Lotus, Sweet Lemon, Petrify the Jangek, and various other batu pancawarna type.

: " From its manapun regency, in essence petrify the origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto," Clear [] experienced batu pancawarna contest committee or akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Ujang Whiskers, [in] Basis Kerinci.

Non just that besides local batu pancawarna contest various external batu pancawarna exhibition [is] also presented, but the batu pancawarna for the diperjual  belikan, whereas to all contest imposed [by] a registration expense [] equal to 25 Thousand per akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui.

: " Merely 25  its Thousand aja registration fee, and its present 25 Million Rupiah for first place," Clear [] Ujang.

first Slain Champion have prize in the form  entertainment amusement and which terheh [is] also provided [by] a committee, in this time have 1000 akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [is] enlisted [in] committee desk, keriteria race please contact the just just committee.

: " Insya Allah tomorrow Sunday ( this 4/1/15) contest evening will be closed and gift have prize in the evening nya, gift have prize [in] accompanying local Band [is] which have nuance [to] [] Malay in the evening nya," Tukasnya.(Basya)

[At] that opportunity, Sukri Hendri also say thank you to Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto provide the creative community kiosk [is] which have location [to] [in] Sultan Road;Street, precisely around SPBU Rengat. Expected [by] [through/ passing] this kiosk existence will be able to improve the creative society prosperity [in] Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

Chief  Association  Pencinta and Devotee Petrify The Jewel  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Ir Ajie Panatagama give the apresiasi and appreciation which at the farthest to Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto succeeded to execute the Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto se Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. Activity [] like this represent which pertamakali executed and expected will be able to introduce the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  Origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

: " During the near by, us will carry out the contest petrify the se Indonesia and we will introduce the batu pancawarna  origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, one  them is Laksmana Indragiri  origin  Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto,” he said.

Meanwhile, Plt Sekda Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto H Agus Rianto SH confess the pride with the Creative community Indragiri Pate;Upstream able to dig the potency  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and expose to the ama Laksmana Indragiri. Plt Sekda hope the name  Laksmana Indragiri earn immediately [in] patenting as one  individuality  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.

: " Creative Friend Indragiri Pate;Upstream have incised the gold ink [] because blessing  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri, name  Regency  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto enough [in] recognizing wide in Indonesia. We hope this potency can be non-stoped dug [by] [so that/ to be] able to improve the society prosperity, specially all pengerajin  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui And Pemkab Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto will be non-stoped to support the development effort [] [through/ passing] various aid  equipments and promotion," say nya.

[At] the opportunity, Plt Sekda also noticing to all pengerajin  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui can together pay attention to the environmental impact, so that activity  processing  akik  Badar Iron & Harmless Nogosui [] other;dissimilar society.

: " [So that/ to be] popular batu pancawarna Laksmana Indragiri progressively, I hope to head SKPD also can socialize to other;dissimilar PNS ficer and [in] its fice, so that minimize one people can use one akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui Laksmana Indragiri," express the nya. [ devoted]

Lift The Local batu pancawarna Potency, Association  Creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto Perform The Contest  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui.

Place [in] green esplanade [] Town Rengat, Regency  Indragiri Pate;Upstream ( Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto), Provinsi Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Association  Creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and community  society  pencinta and worker  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, perform the contest petrify the Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto specially origin  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto. This Contest will take place during one week to the fore, namely [at] Saturday ( 7-14/2/2015). This contest [is] called " Promo Gembatu pancawarna I Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto".

: " We see the, potency and quality petrify the Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto very good and enthused [by] the many people, especially among all pencinta and worker  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui. So that community  akik  Badar Iron & Existing Nogosui [] having a mind to make a promo or contest  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui", say the Chief  event Committee, H Agusrianto, [through/ passing] Chief  Association  creative Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, Adri Bahar to Gocilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto.Com, Friday ( 6/2/2015) via selulernya.

[Is] told [by] Adri, implementation  contest  akik  Badar Iron & This Nogosui remember the height  society enthusiasm which love with the natural product, khusu  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, [do] not only [in] Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto or Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto even the totality manca state. Thereby, expected with the existence  this contest able to lift the natural product  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto and result  masterpiece  child nergri.

type  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui which follow this contest there [is] two kinds , that is type petrify the transparent or artless ( tampa motif) and akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui  have Motif [to] for all size measure. " For the team  assessor, we give the rights to audience or visitor to assess the element or value which implied in the on display [by] batu pancawarna [] competitor. Because in this time Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto [do] not own the geology expert in determining rate or assess the akik  Badar Iron & The Nogosui", mention.

[Is] enhanced [by] Adri, this contest [do] not only present the akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui, but also present to dwarf the ( cretinous crop [is] above pot). So far have 40 akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui and 30 dwarfing registered [by] a competitor. But there (be) still to enlist before opening ceremony. Because from the competitor candidate still bast their batu pancawarna before presented.

: " By promo this, we also hope able to lift the this area potency. Hence, we urge to community or pecinta  akik  Badar Iron & Nogosui to immediately to enlist to committee party. This Promo [is] planned will be opened direct by Regent  Cilacap Banyumas Banjarnegara Purbalingga Purwokerto, H Yopi Arianto. For the registration , committee [is] only imposed [by] expense [] equal to Rp50 thousand to one batu pancawarna", accuse the former Sub-Regency chief that Rengat [is] menjelaskan.(jef ==================

WOW . Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui Purbalingga Loo like by Bungbulang [Is] sold to [by] Heel.

Tens  citizen produce immeasurable [] august batu pancawarna [] Kampong origin / countryside klawing nagasui, Subdistrict Karangnunggal, Regency Purbalingga, becoming Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui. Although Particoloured akik quality & the akik Nogosui loo like the Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui  origin Bungbulang, Garut, famous, but citizen sell [it] at the price  heeling.

Ade Karyana ( 58), Kampong citizen / countryside Digress the, Subdistrict Bantarkalong, [is] one  citizen produced [by] xself Particoloured akik & akik  Nogosui klawing nagasui. In this time collect the Particoloured akik & akik Nogosuinya have reached 172 item added [by] nine Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui for the liontin . Its price relative heel to start from Rp 300 thousand until Rp 1 million.

As long as 5 Km Walke the Sarakan, access road two countryside that is Countryside  Cikukulu-Desa Cibatuireng, Subdistrict Karangnunggal, hard damage Regency Tasikmalaya. [At] the through the street, road;street consumer will not find the road;street smoothly pave the. Road;Street passed by holey with the batu pancawarnay [] equal to baby head met alongside transportation;journey.

According to monitoring " PRLM" that matter make the road;street consumer is not balmy. For kendaraan wheel four frequent slow down its speed, meanwhile for kendaraan wheel two met to frequent lead the kendaraannya to workshop closest because do not their tire seldom be shrink and experience  the damage shockbreaker [] because too much guncangan caused [by] a surging road;street surface.

According To Chief  Body  Permusyawaeatan Countryside ( BPD) Cikukulu Supriatna, the road;street not yet got the repair touch by local government. [His] side have raised the repair to pemkab, but its realization till in this time not yet been existed. Last, that matter [is] raised in the early last Februari in a few meeting opportunity with all related/relevant functionary.

: " (It) is true likely citizen get the clarification [] when related/relevant to on duty [do/conduct] the measurement and pengontrolan alongside damage road;street. That matter [is] happened from year to year, since five year ago but that is in the reality ditunggu-tunggu not yet also there [is] repair," he/she said, Sunday ( 20 / 3).

Supriatna say the, its[his] sulky saking [is] citizen nickname the the road;street by way  Dipatiukur. Its Section [is] the road;street non-stoped to be measured [by] without there [is] its realization. Still, citizen [do] not await without doing. They self-supporting improve;repair the damage assessed to endanger by bergotong [is] royong.

Farther, Supriatna explain the, urgency access the so the necessary for traffic  citizen activity especially [crafting/ diligence] transportation Particoloured akik & akik Nogosui over there. Others, to all farmer, the road;street attendance represent to access worthwhile in transporting all agricultural produce type.

Supriatna lay open the, the road;street connect the Roadway Karangnunggal to some other countryside, among other things to Countryside Cibatu, Countryside Cintawangi, also Countryside Sukawangun. Others, walke mentioned as [by] a alternative band [go] to the subdistrict Cikatomas.

He enhance, last multiply the repair and the road;street asphalt became  [by] the year 1980-an. But because the road;street used [by] without there [is] repair, hence its condition [is] hard day after day becoming more.

Meanwhile, Maman ( 40), citizen  Countryside Cikukulu, what also a Particoloured akik batu pancawarnamason & akik Nogosui [] [at] about the road;street [] mangaku ten [release] the expense  larger ones treatment. Shockbreaker break because frequent tread the hole alongside the road;street.

: " Though new anyar keneh karek ge kamari kenging ngagentos jigger, jaba ayena mah janten mineng nyetel pelk deuih, pokona mah kapaksa naekeun fare, sanajan protested [by] passenger oge" express Maman.

: " According to quality me petrify the klawing nagasui do not fail by Bungbulang. [is] Just only in course  finishing [in] klawing nagasui not yet maximal, so that from side gleam [it] fail by Bungbulang. But from side  pattern and motif (are) all the same to," word Ade, as great as showing its collection, [is] particoloured among other things, giok, levender, particoloured [] batik, firus, diesel fuel, green [] moss, assorted [] balsam and also scarce batu pancawarna [] jasper. ( stf)

Then how effort Ade [] [so that/ to be] Particoloured akik quality & akik  Nogosui klawing nagasui do not fail by Bungbulang?

This Desecrate Soothsayer Action Use The Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui As A Means Ritual.

Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Pol Angesta Romano Yoyol say the, police still deepen the desecrate case [done/conducted] GENERAL ( 23). Anticipated [by] a GENERAL deed victim more than the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui 10 people. [For a] while which report there [is] five This Desecrate orang.Aksi Soothsayer Use The Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui As A Means  Ritual.

Police confiscate a number  evidence goods own the Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] Mulyana, young fellow [] have age [to] 23 year confessing to own the ability supranatural. There [is] object become the media  the desecrate ritual soothsayer medication utilize to heal the patient do black magic. Noted [by] as much 15 young woman become the victim  badness  sexual Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui.

: " Goods [] its pro in the form  two Particoloured akik ring [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui and one plastic contain the incense. Others some fruit nail the, needle and cutting [] strand  metal rust," say the Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Pol Angesta Romano Yoyol to journalist [in] Mapolrestabes Bandung, Walke the Java, Tuesday ( 10/2/2015).

Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui claim to own the witchraft miracle. He/She ready to [release] the object [] like nail;axis and strand  metal having a nest in patient body. He/She is during this last six-month open the praktik  alternative medication at home contract matter [it], area  Cimahi North, Town Cimahi, West Java. Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui also accept the call to patient house.

Utilize smoothly its[his] lecherous action, Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui equivocate all its victim incur the philtra or teluh. " But moment process medication, ****** oppositely;also menyetubuhi victim," say the Yoyol consorted [by] the Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Bandung AKBP M. Ngajib.

: " our Other victim [is] imbau to report. And some victim we have visit upon to be asked [by] the boldness at home nya," say Yoyol.

Yoyol say, all mean victim old age 14 till 29 year. They [is] fallen for by confessing can cure assorted [] disease [is inclusive  occult disease.

He enhance, to more to assuring [] its victim ****** bring a set appliance ritual which one  them is [is] Particoloured akik ring [] klawing nagasui & blue and rose colored green akik klawing nagasui.

: " ****** [is] we ensnare with the Section 76 d junto Section 81 and or 76 e junto Section 88 UU No. 35 year 2014 about change  UU No. 23 year 2002 about child protection," say the Kasat Reskrim AKBP Mokhamad Ngajib. threatened GENERAL [] above penalization five year serve a sentence.

Desecrate mannerism [] Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui take place during this last five month;moon initially do not terendus. its[his] Despicable deed [is] made known [by] after one  victim report to Unit  Protection  Woman and Child ( PPA) Satreskrim Polrestabes Bandung.

Police arrest the Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [is] time at one's post praktiknya. " Sum up its victim fifteen people. Altogether towny Bandung," word  Yoyol sembAri [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui enhance all victim  hardness  sexual Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui  have age [to] 14 till 29 year.

Ari [] the Particoloured akik owner [] klawing nagasui & a dumb dog green akik klawing nagasui [] moment ditanya [] whether/what Particoloured akik ring [] klawing nagasui & that green akik klawing nagasui as talisman. He/She shy at to give service the journalist question as for muasal two Particoloured akik ring [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] its property.


fever  akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui , regent  Wonogiri imbau PNS impose the Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga

Regency Wonogiri, Famous Central Java have the natural resources in the form  beautiful jewel batu pancawarna. One  them is [is] type  Fire Opal or Barjad Fire, origin  Hill Manggal, Deviation Orchard, Countryside Hargantoro, Subdistrict Tirtomoyo. Fever  akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui , regent  Wonogiri imbau PNS impose the Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga

its[his] Famous Saking petrify the the jewel, Regent  Danar Rahmanto even mengimbau to jajaran  Public Servant Civil ( PNS) [in] environment  Pemkab Wonogiri, imposing Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga. " Petrify the Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga  origin Wonogiri [is beauty [] nya defeat the Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga  origin  Mexico and Tanzania [in] international august batu pancawarna exhibition some times then. I mengimbau [] all PNS impose the Fire opal and petrify the original nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga [] Wonogiri," say the Danar to merdeka.com, Tuesday ( 10 / 2) night.

According to Regent, imbauan use the Fire Opal [done/conducted] [by] a the august batu pancawarna cause in this time [is] ' booming'. " This Imbauan at one blow for the menggenjot  economic potency [in] Regency Wonogiri. We wish the society enjoy and get the value more than natural resources which we own, explicitly its[his].

Regent  Wonogiri Danar Rahmanto mengimbau to jajaran  public servant civil ( PNS) [in] Governmental environment [] Regency ( Pemkab) Wonogiri to impose the Oval type ring batu pancawarna [] Original Fire [] Wonogiri.

: “ I hope all PNS [in] scope  Pemkab Wonogiri hence petrify the Oval ring [] Original Fire [] this Manggal Tirtomoyo,” express the Regent  Danar Rahmanto to journalist [in] in between the august st launching outlet batu pancawarna “ Wonogiri Gamelovers”, [in] its residency, Ngadirojo, Wonogiri, Tuesday ( 10 / 2).

That Imbauan [is] [done/conducted] [by] a cause Regent propose the august boomingnya batu pancawarna [] origin  Hill Manggal, Deviation Orchard, Countryside Hargantoro, Subdistrict Tirtomoyo. Even, according to Regent, beauty [] “ barjat fire” from Oval [] This Fire even also defeat the beauty [] Oval [] Fire  Origin  Mexico and Tanzania [in] international august batu pancawarna exhibition some times then.

Policy taken [by] a related/relevant Regent [] imbauan hence petrify the Oval ring [] Fire to the PNS d ilingkungan Pemkab Wonogiri for the purpose  other;dissimilar namely for the menggenjot  economic potency [in] this Wonogiri. “ [Is] economics potency which we tangkap,kami wish the society can enjoy and get the value more,” he said.

[Is] told, the imbauan taken for the purpose  and target [] [so that/ to be] Oval image [] Fire able to digenjot [in] national marketing. august Medium batu pancawarna [] Oval type [] Fire  Origin  Hill Manggal, according to Danar, there are some type, start from Oval [] Fire Green, Red Fanta, Red Tea and Yellow Bimoli.

: “ Petrify this type  according to its hardness have non akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui again, but have mounted with the august batu pancawarna, become the economics potency which we catch very monstrous,” say nya.

Danar even also optimism, enthusiasm potency [in] marketing very high. Beauty [] barjat fire which shine from within Oval [] Fire very exotic. He/She even also mention the, value sell Oval [] Fire in the form  substance ( rock) [] much the same to at the price  batu pancawarna  Bacan  origin  Moluccas Archipelago.

: “ Like last few days, [in] Tirtomoyo happened [by] the transaction petrify the substance  Ovar Fire as heavy as 1,5 kilogram at the price  Rp 98 million, that mean its value [do] not fail with the batu pancawarna Bacan which middle in this time booming [in] marketing,” he/she said.

According to Danar [] there are some august batu pancawarna type [] type  Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga from Wonogiri, namely type Green, Red Fanta, Red Tea and Yellow Bimoli. He explain the, batu pancawarna [] this type  its hardness non like akik  ordinary Christ klawing nagasui Blood, but come up to the august batu pancawarna.

: " its Economics potency [is] very monstrous. We optimism, enthusiasm potency [in] marketing very high," say nya.

Danar mention the beauty [] Barjad Fire which shine from within Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga very exotic. [For a] while assess to sell the nya in the form  substance almost come up to the batu pancawarna  bacan  origin  Moluccas Archipelago.

: " Last few days, there [is] [do/conduct] the transaction with the fanciful value. 1,5 kilogram  raw material  Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga sold at the price  Rp 98 million. [Do] not fail with the batu pancawarna bacan," he said

Out  Job batu pancawarna [] Fire Float Nowadays Become The Wanted  Penyuka  akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui.

All pencinta  akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui nowadays start to look for the out  job batu pancawarna [] or fire “ fire chalcedony” because keunikannya. Petrify this type  representing endemic batu pancawarna [in] area  Regency Waykanan, Provinsi Float.

: " The batu pancawarna own the unique phenomenon, having gewang or refleksi light look like the fire tongue. In consequence, pursuant to deliberation [] a number  pencinta  akik  Blood  Christ klawing nagasui [in] Floating, named [by] a out  job batu pancawarna [] tongue  fire or fire chalcedony," word  Khairul Huda, citizen  Subdistrict  Blambangan Umpu, Waykanan, Friday ( 2 / 1), like cited [by] [Among/Between].

To date, out  job batu pancawarna [] the fire have a lot  ordered, goodness still in the form  harsh batu pancawarna and also have become the ring form.

According to Huda, out  job batu pancawarna [] origin fire Float this unique (it) is true, very rare found [in] area [is other;dissimilar batu pancawarna owning refleksi  light  fire tongue loo like the gewang petrify the fire opal.

: " out  job batu pancawarna [] fire ossify the, difference by fire [is] opal, but gewangnya loo like the Fire opal and petrify the nagasui klawing nagasui purbalingga. And this become the out  job batu pancawarna individuality [] fire Float the," he/she said which also say that this batu pancawarna have the hardness storey;level 6-7 scale mohs, as other type chalcedony batu pancawarna.

out  job batu pancawarna [] this origin Waykanan fire will be launched [at] Februari 2015 [in] Town Bandarlampung. Taglinenya, " Don'T spell out members from Floating if not yet had the out  job batu pancawarna [] fire".

: " From Floating that can mean the area origin Float, or also pay a visit to area Float the. the Target Tagline,  course invitation [] related to marketing," he/she said.

In each;every out  job batu pancawarna sale [] the fire, 50 percentage  clean advantage [it], word Huda, will be rendered for the orphan .

: " The amount more than determined in Islam teaching, namely 2,5 gratuity. We invite the society Float and Indonesia  have alms [to] by wasilah or out  job batu pancawarna cause [] fire," he said.

variant  Colour  fire chalcedony say the that owner Nusantara Gembatu pancawarna continue, immeasurable enough, there [is] which clear ( transparent), milky ( milk), yellow, orange, sunkist, light yellow, light orange, orson or [among/between] turning yellow and red, later;then squeeze yellowish, red, light purple, and light grey.

: " [At] 20 October 2014, Nusantara Gembatu pancawarna with 331 Gems' batu pancawarna led [by] Glorious Aden [do/conduct] expedition [in] a number  river [in] Waykanan, one  them is [is] river  Way Umpu," he said.

Regency Waykanan represent the area northernmost Provinsi Float [is] which during the time recognized with the batu pancawarna  wood fossil, petrify the type  lotus or wasp den, petrify the sugar palm, petrify the moss and colour pentameter.

: " Substance petrify the Waykanan which ten become the other;dissimilar object eksplorasi area during the time [is] type batu pancawarnas which I mention that. But, special for the grape;wine  fire have never, if even also there [is], its substance [is] brought but [do] not know that that substance [is] fire grape;wine," he/she said also.

out  job Fire Chalcedony batu pancawarna or [] fire, according to Secretary  Body  Governmental and Diklat ficer [] that Regency Waykanan, [do] not own the difficulty storey;level mean in its processing, origin have ordinary [] mengolah  akik  Blood  out  job Christ klawing nagasui type surely can also mengolah  batu pancawarna type which is one this.

Even not yet been launched, animo society to out  job batu pancawarna [] this fire [is] very positive. " Substance and also petrify ready for use have a lot  emiting a stream  even the batu pancawarna not yet been launched," he/she said.

: " We demonstrate [in] Lotus Mal Float [at] 24 December 2014 till 4 January 2015 to introduce beforehand, so that people love first, because do not recognize hence do not be darling," say the owner perform the custom Float, Mr. this Leader.

BI Push The Particoloured akik Merchant [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui Use The Payment [is Non Cash.

To be able to apply the payment system [is non cash, Indonesia Bank non-stoped to [do/conduct] the socialization at one blow push the payment use [is non this cash various area [is inclusive  traditional market. In this time Indonesia Bank push the Particoloured akik merchant [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [in] pasara  Transparent Bog, Jatinegera to will to use the payment [is non cash.

: " [In] this Transparent Bog [is] Particoloured akik sale [] klawing nagasui & biggest green akik klawing nagasui [in] Asean. Transaction here very big, in consequence we push [so that/ to be] in transacting to use the payment system [is non cash," word

Hunt The Monkey Fur Till Bacan [in] Market  Transparent Bog.

Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui nowadays have come to the tren [] among Indonesia society. This Matter [is] seen from atmosphere [in] Particoloured akik commerce center [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] Jakarta Gems Center, Transparent Bog, Jakarta East, Monday ( 9 / 2).

batu pancawarna type which is a lot  searched the in place [is] batu pancawarna  colour pentameter, raflesia, petrify the garut, lavender, tiger fur, and some other type.

For the price  Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui range from hundreds  thousand until hundreds  million rupiah. Besides ring batu pancawarna, this place also serve the made ornament from batu pancawarna [] like brooch, liontin, choker, and bangle.

Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui sudden become the primadona. Price sell from people mining leap 500 gratuity. [In] Particoloured sentra akik sale [] klawing nagasui & biggest green akik klawing nagasui [] se-Asia South-East, Market  Transparent Bog, Jakarta East, merchant meraup benefit till 400 gratuity compared to [by] a previous year.

Machine whoosh grind heard all day long [in] angle;corner  Acheh Town. That Voice come from hundreds  nature batu pancawarna which medium cut or sharpened [in] citizen house.

That way Particoloured akik explosion picture [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [in] " Country  Gallery Mekkah". Particoloured akik Devotee [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui like idocrase and giok non-stoped to [by] grow. Almost [in] all shopping centre, traditional market, and modern there [is] place  grindace and experienced batu pancawarna sale.

Particoloured Geriap akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [is] also heard [in] Town Martapura, Regency Banjar, Kalimantan South Arch. Here Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui even world have time to because diamond invention [in] Tray Cempaka, River Tiung, Countryside Pumpung, Cempaka, [at] 1965. Even yield the Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui since 1960-an, august batu pancawarnas newly digandrungi [] about two the last year.

: [is] Previous, Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui from traditional tray [] Cempaka unable to make balance to the highness  diamond trisakti which tersohor till out country. A lot  experienced batu pancawarna type from traditional diamond tray, for example balsam, fossil, amparan, badar iron, pirit, kelulut, and red [] borneo.

By all perajin, block petrify the dibelah-belah and rubbed by traditional so that yield the beautiful batu pancawarnas by immeasurable [] pattern. " Petambang get the block petrify that at least [in] deepness 20 metre," word  Muhammad Aini ( 45), perajin ornament and petrify jewel [in] Countryside Pumpung, Cempaka, Town Banjarbaru.

Besides batu pancawarna aceh and petrify the martapura, Particoloured akik type [] klawing nagasui & akik  klawing nagasui green which [is] go up the leaf [is] batu pancawarna bacan from Island Bacan, North Moluccas. It is said, bacan become the primadona [] because weared by President  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and President  United States  Barack Obama.

Lead The Departmental Grup [] Policy And Observation  Payment System ( DKSP) Indonesia Bank, Farida Perangin Wind, [at] Socialization event " Policy  Payment System [is Non Cash" [in] Representative fice  BI Provinsi West Java, Tuesday ( 10/2/2015).

According to him, transaction [is non cash [in] Transparent Bog ? this [is] very compatible become the traditional market sample other;dissimilar to extend the less cash society.

: " [Is] expected [in] this two year semester have been existed. We have called the merchant association, they are enthusiastic," he/she said. ( tif)

Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] Sumbar Wanted [in] Rawabening.

Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [in] West Sumatra become the buyer wanted [] various circle [in] Market Rawabening, Jatinegara, Jakarta East. Its Section [is] Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] Sumbar represent the multifarious contributor [] Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & biggest green akik klawing nagasui in national. Because to the number  multifarious [] Particoloured akik type [] klawing nagasui & akik  klawing nagasui green coming from Sumbar.

Particoloured Pecinta akik [] klawing nagasui & akik  klawing nagasui green buying to come from various area. Whether Java, Sunda, Bugis, Batak and others. Even all turis [] foreign countries even also hunt the Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui from Sumbar, because owning unique specification from other area batu pancawarna.

That matter [is] told by Andika 41 year, one  Particoloured akik merchant [] klawing nagasui & akik  klawing nagasui green met [by] the adjoining Bow clamourly it[him] Market Rawabening, Defect The Area  Station Jatinegara, Saturday ( 18 / 1).

: “ They are all Particoloured akik hunter [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui aspire after to collect the Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui from Sumbar. Like batu pancawarna  very lumuik river dareh [] familiar [in] their ear. Others, also there [is] petrify the lumuik suliki, petrify the blue cimpago, petrify the kalimaya  Mount Rajo and other;dissimilar sebagainya,”terangnya  this Field origin merchant.

According to Andika, Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] lumuik  river dareh still primadona [in] Particoloured akik center [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] this nusantara. Because [his/its] popular defeat the Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & other green akik klawing nagasui [in] Sumbar. Various antique mustika batu pancawarna from Sumbar have complete reside in the Jakarta Gems Center ( JGC) representing Particoloured akik sale center [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] four floors Nusantara, Market Rawabening, Jatinegara.

: ” All Particoloured akik collection [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] nusantara [] [in] this JGC. Its price even also all kinds . Quality excelsior petrify and its rareness [is] the batu pancawarna, hence its price [is] costly progressively. Progressively nicely form and its colour from time to time, hence its price even also leap to go up,” sharpness.

Meanwhile, Burhanuddin ( 32 year) to Bow [in] Jakarta Gems Center ( JGC) express the, Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] most-wanted Sumbar [in] this Market Rawabening [is] batu pancawarna  moss  River Dareh. Because representing one  batu pancawarna which have been tested with quality, And surely after popularized until world. Because have been weared by United States president, Barack Obama and former President RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, followed by all other national functionary.

The telling , batu pancawarna  lumuik  River Dareh represent the batu pancawarna  Idocrase Bio [] Diesel fuel owning existing pattern luminosity in the batu pancawarna, with the bounced light circulation. The batu pancawarna much the same to with its type [is] jade  Acheh moss, what have won the experienced batu pancawarna contest some times then.

: “ Besides batu pancawarna  moss  River Dareh still a lot  other batu pancawarna [is] also set eye on by collector/ pecinta petrify the nusantara. Like batu pancawarna bacan, Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] lavender, Particoloured akik [] klawing nagasui & green akik klawing nagasui [] grape;wine, petrify the ruby and others,” sharpness.


Green Purbalingga Godok Perda akik klawing nagasui.

See the height  animo society to Green akik klawing nagasui use, they have initiative to make the perda. The Regulasi believed can add the area inclusion. Policy [released] [by] Regency  Purbalingga [] Central Java become the inspiration to all people proxy [in] Regency Purbalingga, West Java.

This discourse become the this topic  discussion warmness [] a number  member DPRD, Tuesday ( 10 / 2). All people proxy coming from various faction agree the existence  step  making  perda initiative [] concerning Green akik klawing nagasui.

: " epidemic Green akik klawing nagasui lately. And we estimate this can become the original earnings potency [] area ( PAD). For that Green perda akik klawing nagasui seen to be require to be made,” word  Dede Sufficiency, incoming politician PDI Struggle [] jajaran  Legislation Body ( Banleg) Tuesday ( 10 / 2).

He/She mention the, Green akik klawing nagasui potency [in] Purbalingga very conducive. As in region  Subdistrict Ciniru, there are areal mine the Green akik klawing nagasui with the title Bacir ( Petrify the Ciniru). So also [in] region  Subdistrict Ciwaru, there are batu pancawarna recognized [by] Moss Ciwaru.

Ex- Location  batu pancawarna Mining Will Be made [by] a Town Forest

Critical farm [is] ex- location  Green akik klawing nagasui mining [in] Block Mayasih, Chief  Village And Kec. Cigugur, Kab. Purbalingga, planned [by] Pemkab Purbalingga will be develop;builded to become a area  town forest. settlement  Farm and tree cultivation [] [at] the area, according to Head On duty Planology and Create The Masterpiece Kab. Purbalingga  Lily Suherli, will be executed to [by] start the year 2012.

area  town Forest [in] the block, according to Lily will be develop;builded [at] location [is ex- Green akik klawing nagasui mining  have status [to] governmental ownership land [] countryside or chief  village. " development  Area  town forest [in] that Block Mayasih, representing one  the eleven location plan the making  town forest area [is] specified by Pemkab Purbalingga," say the Lily Suherli, Sunday ( 29/4/12).

eleventh  [is] specified [by] town forest Location that, according to boldness from On duty Forestry and Plantation Kab. Purbalingga, gone the round  [in] ten subdistrict region. Each [in] Kec. Japara, Pancalang, Luragung, Cigugur, Purbalingga, Lebakwangi, Cibingbin, Ciniru, Hantara, and Kec. Cigandamekar.

Two area  town forest among other things, there are [in] region Kec. Cigugur. One [in] Hill Bungkirit [] about regional frontier [] Kec. Cigugur regionally [is] Kec. Purbalingga, and one again [in] hilly [] Block Mayasih.

Lily Suherli mention, from eleven location  the town forest area, two among other things have been existed. Each, area  Forest  Town Bungkirit, and Forest  Town Garatengah [in] Countryside Garatengah, Kec. Japara.

Malahan, according to Head On duty Forestry and Plantation Kab. Purbalingga Ukas Suharfaputra, tree population [in] second [] the town forest area, especially [in] Forest  Town Bungkirit, in this time have started solid. Particularly, second lately that town forest area [is] ten made [by] location  movement  tree cultivation [] both for carried out [by] Pemkab Purbalingga, and also from a number  external institute [] scope  Pemkab Purbalingga.

Farm which is strightened impecunious critical at first tree [in] Hill Bungkirit and also [in] that Countryside Garatengah, now have become the multifarious leafy area [] birch. Lily  Suherli and also Ukas, mentioning, critical areal farm [is] full () Green akik klawing nagasui block [in] Block Mayasih even also, will engreen to become the strightened leafy forest area [] tree owning environmental conservation function.

Meanwhile, Sub-Regency Chief  Cigugur Jojo Juharsa, contacted apart Sunday ( 29/4/12) mentioning, farm [is ex- location  Green akik klawing nagasui mining [in] Block Mayasih for the forest  the town, residing in about Block  Situs Hiyang. " Wide [] farm [is ex- Green akik klawing nagasui mining [is] data to be made [by] area  town forest [in] that block, reaching about three hektare," sharpness.

The potency, according to Dede, can be dug so that become the big income for the area . " A lot  type petrify famous from outside to other;dissimilar Purbalingga area and. So, why Purbalingga cannot? Its potency there [is] kok,” word Dede which not yet this old permeate the aspiration from Farmer  Countryside  Sukaraja  Subdistrict Ciawigebang in filling a period /to that resesnya.

Throw the Dede greeted by politician  origin PPP, H Uus Yusuf SE. Former Chief KNPI which have time to be questioned [by] a kiosk problem [in] the building KNPI, confessing the level  potency petrify [in] Purbalingga. What most he/she highlights that is petrify the famous Ciniru with the title batu pancawarna CNR.

: “ Frankly more knowledgeable petrify the CNR, non batu pancawarna Bacir. Try to see in the internet, Petrify the CNR have famous. This represent the big potency according to me,” word Uus.

Petrify the CNR, continue he/she, owning separate specification. Its colour [is] fibrous yellow and elegan. [His] side assure, if the batu pancawarna marketed will quickly digandrungi [] all Green akik klawing nagasui devotee. Statement Uus amen by H Karyani, other council member.

regional Origin politician [] the Purbalingga East agree if made [by] related/relevant perda initiative [] Green akik klawing nagasui. In that discussion, [is] involved also politician  Democrat  Yayat Ahadiatna SH. So also Chief DPRD, Rana Suparman SSOS. Just only both [do] not too in discusing to remember have to rush about the exit from crowd large group for other. While one member again, Masuri SPD agree if serious making perda discourse. ( ded)

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Bongkahan batu murah meriah yang Dulang Rezeki


Sekilas mirip batu murah meriah kali yang digunakan untuk membangun rumah, namun saat diolah, batu murah meriah tersebut bisa mendatangkan pundi-pundi hingga ratusan juta rupiah. Itu merupakan pengalaman Maman Sudarman (63), warga Desa Cimanganten, Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat.

Pria pemilik galeri batu murah meriah akik klawing Garut "Al-Hijr" itu, piawai mengolah bongkahan batu murah meriah jadi perhiasan berdaya jual tinggi.

Maman menceritakan bahwa bongkahan batu murah meriah tersebut didapat dari para penggali batu murah meriah di daerah Garut selatan, seperti dari Kecamatan Bungbulang, Caringin, Cisompet, Cihurip, Peundeuy, dan Kecamatan Singajaya. Dari para penggali batu murah meriah, Maman menjual kembali kepada para penggemar batu murah meriah, dalam bentuk bongkahan maupun sudah dibentuk batu murah meriah cincin atau liontin.

"Ya, saya jual lagi batu murah meriah ini, ada yang beli bongkahan atau batu murah meriah akik klawing yang sudah jadi cincin maupun liontin," ujar Maman, Senin, 29 September 2014 kepada VIVAlife.

Menurut Maman, bongkahan batu murah meriah tersebut dijual per kilogram. Namun, batu murah meriah yang sudah diolah, ia jual per buah atau per kodi (20 buah).

Maman memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu guna berbisnis batu murah meriah akik klawing, karena selain memang pehobi batu murah meriah yang dimulai sejak 1979, ternyata bisnis batu murah meriah akik klawing lebih menjanjikan. Dalam sehari, pensiunan pegawai BUMN itu bisa berpenghasilan hingga belasan juta rupiah, dengan jumlah produksi batu murah meriah cincin dan liontin mencapai rata-rata 60 buah.

"Bayangkan saja, sehari bisa menghasilkan uang hingga belasan juta. Bahkan, saya pernah menjual batu murah meriah akik klawing dalam bentuk cincin ukuran 3x5 cm, seharga Rp63 juta, dan ada juga yang ditukar dengan satu unit mobil," ungkap Maman.

Saking banyaknya koleksi batu murah meriah akik klawing, Maman hingga tak mengetahui berapa total jumlah batu murah meriah yang ia miliki. Karena, tiap hari Maman terus memproduksi cincin dan liontin, tiap hari pula batu murah meriah koleksinya laku dijual.

"Waduh, jumlahnya tidak tahu, banyak lah, kantong-kantong sudah terisi, coba lihat saja di rumah," ucapnya, tertawa.

batu murah meriah akik klawing Edong

Maman mengakui bahwa dia merupakan salah satu penggemar batu murah meriah akik klawing "Edong", atau batu murah meriah akik klawing jenis pancawarna yang ditemukan oleh aki (kakek) Edong, warga asli Bungbulang, Garut, di masa lalu.

batu murah meriah tersebut banyak diburu karena punya motif dan warna yang sangat indah. Bahkan, nama batu murah meriah Edong ini populer di kalangan pehobi batu murah meriah baik di Indonesia maupun hingga ke mancanegara.

"Jadi, batu murah meriah Edong ini sudah mendunia, penemunya aki Edong, asli warga Bungbulang Garut," papar Maman.

Namun, Maman menyayangkan pihak Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut yang hingga saat ini belum peduli terhadap pengembangan usaha batu murah meriah akik klawing dan memberikan penghargaan kepada para penemu batu murah meriah yang saat ini ikut mengharumkan nama Garut di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Hal tersebut menyebabkan investor batu murah meriah akik klawing Garut sebagian besar merupakan orang-orang yang berduit dari luar kota. Sementara itu, warga dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut hanya menjadi penonton.

"Pada pameran batu murah meriah akik klawing Nusantara di Jakarta beberapa hari lalu, para peserta pameran dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, 70 persen di antaranya menampilkan batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah asal Garut, sedangkan warga Garutnya tersisihkan," lanjut Maman.

Oleh sebab itu, Maman berharap Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut lebih peduli terhadap pengembangan batu murah meriah akik klawing Garut. Karena, untuk menggali potensi alam tersebut, selain dibutuhkan modal yang cukup besar, juga diperlukan SDM untuk pengolahan batu murah meriah mentah hingga menjadi cincin dan liontin.

"Jujur saja, di Garut sangat kurang orang yang ahli untuk memoles batu murah meriah, dari bentuk bongkahan hingga jadi cincin dan liontin. Seharusnya, pemerintah Garut mengupayakan pelatihan pengolahan batu murah meriah, karena memang dalam pengolahan batu murah meriah dibutuhkan skill yang baik," tuturnya.

Investasi di batu murah meriah Cincin Bisa Untung 1000 Persen

Bukan hal baru lagi bahwa mengoleksi perhiasan tak hanya soal fesyen ataupun hobi semata. Perhiasan-perhiasan berharga kerap dijadikan alternatif untuk berinvestasi. Ada beberapa pertimbangan saat seseorang memilih menginvestasikan uangnya dalam bentuk perhiasan berharga.

Berbeda dengan saham yang `tak berwujud`, perhiasan memiliki wujud yang nyata. Hal ini menimbulkan rasa aman karena bisa secara nyata mengkontrol benda berharga itu, misalnya dengan cara menyimpannya di brankas.

Selain itu, beda halnya dengan saham yang sangat fluktuatif – bisa naik tajam ataupun anjlok – perhiasan berharga punya pergerakan harga yang relatif tak berbahaya. Barang berharga yang lumrah dijadikan investasi oleh masyarakat luas adalah emas.

Seiring dengan meningkatnya tren batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah cincin, mungkin pernah terbersit dipikiran Anda untuk juga berinvestasi dalam bentuk benda-benda itu. Bagaimana prosepek investasi di batu murah meriah cincin?

Untuk mendapat penjelasan ini, Liputan6.com mewawancarai Ali, pebisnis batu murah meriah cincin di Jakarta Gems Center Rawa Bening, Jatinegara, yang sudah menekuni pekerjaannya selama 2 tahun. Menurut pria asal Bukti Tinggi ini investasi di batu murah meriah cincin terbilang lebih menggiurkan dibanding investasi di emas.

“Harganya cenderung naik dan keuntungan yang didapat dari investasi di batu murah meriah cincin ini bisa lebih dari 1000 persen,” ucap Ali yang juga senang dengan batu murah meriah cincin, Rabu (1/10/14). Kenaikan harga cincin, dijelaskan oleh Ali, dapat terjadi bahkan dalam hitungan hari.

Trend adalah satu hal yang bisa membuat harga batu murah meriah cincin naik tajam. Untuk saat ini batu murah meriah cincin yang jadi incaran di Pasar Rawa Bening adalah batu murah meriah Bacan (akik klawing) dan batu murah meriah Aceh (Giok/Nephirite Jade). Ali memprediksi bahwa untuk tahun 2015, kedua batu murah meriah itu masih akan jadi primadona pasar batu murah meriah cincin lokal.

Jika Anda baru akan masuk dunia batu murah meriah cincin, Ali memberi saran untuk banyak belajar tentang batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah tersebut. Dan ketika pergi ke pasar batu murah meriah cincin, hendaknya ditemani oleh ahli batu murah meriah cincin untuk dapat terhindar dari tindak penipuan.

Ada batu murah meriah Mulia Ditaksir Berharga Rp 2,8 Miliar

 Di dunia ada ribuan batu murah meriah mulia, namun hanya sekitar 174 jenis batu murah meriah mulia dan batu murah meriah akik klawing yang dikenal kondang namanya. Beberapa di antaranya ditemukan di Afrika, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Iran hingga daerah pecahan negara Rusia, serta Asia Tenggara.

Di Indonesia, terdapat sekitar 20 jenis batu murah meriah mulia yang bisa ditemukan mulai dari Aceh hingga Lampung. Di Aceh, dikenal batu murah meriah Indocrase atau batu murah meriah yang berwarna hijau lumut. Ada pula batu murah meriah Sungai Dareh yang banyak ditemukan di daerah Dharmasraya, Sumatera Barat.

Di Pulau Jawa mulai dari Banten, Garut, Purbalingga, Gombong, Kebumen, Wonogiri khususnya di daerah Kismantoro, Donorojo Pacitan hingga Trenggalek Jawa Timur, juga banyak ditemukan berbagai jenis batu murah meriah mulia.

Jenis dan nama batu murah meriahannya yang paling banyak ditemukan di antaranya Kalimaya, Opal, Jasper, Pancawarna, Kalsedon atau Red Baron, Badarbesi, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan di Kalimantan terutama di Martapura yang paling banyak ditemukan di antaranya jenis batu murah meriah Kecubung (amethyst).

batu murah meriah mulia dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu batu murah meriah permata mulia yakni intan dan batu murah meriah permata setengah mulia di antaranya Ruby (Mira Delima), Kecubung (Amethyst), Blue Saphir (Nilam), Mata Kucing (Cats Eye), Zamrud (Emerald) dan lain-lain.

Di Jogja, seorang pemilik batu murah meriah mulia mengaku salah satu koleksinya ditaksir seharga Rp 2,8 miliar. Sultan Brunei Hasanal Bolkiah pernah menawarnya, namun belum dilepas.

Mistis di balik batu murah meriah akik klawing

Belakangan ini pamor batu murah meriah akik klawing semakin meningkat di masyarakat. Ini dapat ditandai dengan makin banyaknya lapak penjual batu murah meriah untuk perhiasan para pria di jalanan seputar Jakarta. Entah apa penyebabnya? Yang pasti, batu murah meriah akik klawing semakin banyak peminat.

akik klawing sendiri merupakan istilah yang biasa dipakai untuk menyebut cincin bagi kaum laki-laki. Jika pada perempuan cincin selalu identik dengan batu murah meriah permata. Meski terlihat seperti batu murah meriah biasa, namun batu murah meriah akik klawing memiliki kelebihan tersendiri.

Bahkan, jika diukur dengan uang, harga sebutir batu murah meriah akik klawing jenis tertentu sangat mahal. Sehingga tak sembarang orang dapat membelinya. Hal ini biasanya selalu dikaitkan dengan fungsi dari masing-masing batu murah meriah tersebut.

Bagi kalangan penggemar batu murah meriahan alam, batu murah meriah akik klawing memiliki tempat tersendiri dan diperlakukan sangat istimewa. Hal itu terkait dengan kekuatan alami dipercayai terkandung di batu murah meriah tersebut. Jika dimanfaatkan dengan benar dan sesuai dengan karakter penggunanya, batu murah meriah akik klawing dipercaya dapat memberikan kelebihan baik berupa karisma maupun kekuatan tertentu, salah satunya penolak bala.

Keyakinan ini tersebar hampir di semua masyarakat. Mulai dari tukang becak hingga petinggi negara pun meyakini aspek mistik batu murah meriah akik klawing jika digunakan. Bahkan, sebagian ulama juga menggunakan cincin batu murah meriah akik klawing untuk menambah karisma.

Beberapa jenis batu murah meriah yang diakui bertuah salah satunya adalah mustika macan putih. batu murah meriah ini berbentuk oval dengan warna dominan putih seperti susu. batu murah meriah jenis ini dipercaya dapat memberikan manfaat dan membuat pribadi seseorang baik juga menyenangkan. Selain itu, batu murah meriah jenis ini dipercaya dapat melancarkan karir seseorang.

Ada juga batu murah meriah dikenal dengan sebutan sisik naga. batu murah meriah jenis ini dipercaya memiliki kekuatan magis bermanfaat untuk menguatkan keberanian. Selain itu, batu murah meriah berwarna merah dengan corak retakan ini dipercaya dapat meningkatkan pengaruh seseorang di mata anak buah.

Namun demikian, tidak semua orang memburu batu murah meriah akik klawing lantaran fungsinya yang magis. Ada juga orang yang mencari batu murah meriah akik klawing lantaran terpesona dengan keindahan dari masing-masing batu murah meriah. Bahkan, berapapun uang akan dikeluarkan tak masalah demi memiliki koleksi batu murah meriah akik klawing langka.

3 batu murah meriah akik klawing yang Dipercaya Mengandung Kekuatan Magis


Sebagai bagian dari alam, manusia seperti makhluk hidup - makhluk hidup lain memanfaatkan apa yang tersedia di alam. Mulai dari kebutuhan primer seperti makan dan minum hingga keinginan untuk mempercantik diri, manusia mengolah sumber daya alam di sekitarnya.

Salah satu benda alam yang dikenakan oleh manusia untuk membuat dirinya terlihat indah adalah batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah. Dalam banyak kebudayaan, batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah itu juga punya dimensi selain dari estetika.

Salah satu pendekatan lain pada penggunaan batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah itu adalah pendekatan magis. Meski ilmu pengetahuan sudah berkembang jauh, ternyata masih banyak orang yang lekat dengan hal-hal non-ilmiah, termasuk perihal batu murah meriah-batu murah meriah ini.

Di Indonesia sendiri banyak orang yang percaya bahwa batu murah meriah akik klawing memiliki kekuatan-keuatan magis. Berikut ini adalah 3 jenis batu murah meriah akik klawing yang oleh sebagian masyarakat Indonesia dipercaya mengandung kekuatan magis, seperti dijelaskan oleh Dono, seorang konsumen, penjual, dan pemerhati batu murah meriah akik klawing pada Rabu (24/9/2014).

Ditengah Maraknya batu murah meriah akik klawing, Ini Tanggapan Jokowi dan JK

Masyarakat tengah gandrung akan batu murah meriah akik klawing. Tengok saja di setiap penjual batu murah meriah akik klawing, selalu ramai orang berkerumun, baik tua ataupun muda. Tak sedikit pedagang yang menangguk laba dari meroketnya bisnis batu murah meriah akik klawing ini.

Lalu bagaimana dengan presiden terpilih Jokowi soal batu murah meriah akik klawing?

"Saya nggak pernah pakai jam atau pakai cincin," kata Jokowi sambil menunjukkan tangannya yang polos sambil tersenyum lebar.

Hal ini ia sampaikan di kediaman JK, Jl Brawijaya, Jakarta Selatan, Minggu (21/9/2014). JK dan Surya Paloh yang berdiri di samping Jokowi usai menghadiri acara aqiqah cucu JK pun ikut tertawa.

Kemudian, ucapan Jokowi itu segera ditimpali Wapres terpilih JK. "Yang pakai batu murah meriah itu jagoan," celetuk JK menyambung ucapan Jokowi. [d

batu murah meriah akik klawing Lafal "Muhammad" Milik Warga Yogya Dibanderol Rp 2,5 M

Di Yogyakarta, seorang kolektor batu murah meriah mulia memiliki koleksi yang dibanderol amat fantastis, Rp 2,5 miliar! batu murah meriah mulia unik itu dimiliki Suroto (70), warga Ngadiwinatan, Kelurahan Ngampilan, Yogyakarta.

Sekitar tiga tahun lalu, konon koleksi Suroto itu pernah ditawar Sultan Brunei Darussalam. "Tapi sayangnya yang menjadi perantara malah meninggal karena kena stroke. Sampai sekarang ya tidak ada kelanjutannya," kata Suroto.

Yang menjadikan mahal, karena koleksinya ini jarang ditemukan. Terdapat keunikan, yaitu pada batu murah meriah tersebut terdapat lafal Muhammad dalam Bahasa Arab. Adapun dari hasil uji laboratorium batu murah meriah ini adalah batu murah meriah alam, memiliki berat 24,12 karat.

"Kebanyakan kan lafal 'Allah'. Yang terlihat jelas ada lafal 'Muhammad' seperti itu sangat jarang dan sulit mencarinya. Dari berbagai acara pameran batu murah meriah mulia di Indonesia, jarang ditemukan," katanya saat ditemui di kediamannya pekan lalu.

Adapun barang tersebut, ia peroleh dari salah seorang keluarga Keraton Yogyakarta sekitar 1990. batu murah meriah mulia tersebut sudah disimpan sekitar 100 tahun di dalam komplek Keraton. Orang tersebut berpesan, jika batu murah meriah itu tidak memiliki harga mahal jangan dijual.

"Dia kan seneng Ruby, akhirnya tukar-tukaran dengan batu murah meriah itu. Dulu gak jelas dan masih berupa batu murah meriah, lalu saya gosok lagi hingga terlihat seperti sekarang," ungkapnya.

Meskipun menjadi salah satu di antara sekitar 200 buah batu murah meriah mulia berbagai jenis yang ia koleksi, namun Suroto tidak memberikan perawatan khusus. Semuanya sesuai standar, yaitu di simpan di kotak atau dibungkus kain halus agar tidak tergores.

Makna Warna batu murah meriah akik klawing dan Cakra Manusia

Sebagian penggemar batu murah meriah akik klawing percaya batu murah meriah itu akan memberi pengaruh positif bagi kesehatan tubuh. Master Reiki yang juga seorang kolektor batu murah meriah akik klawing, FX Hadi Wijaya mengatakan pengguna batu murah meriah akik klawing bisa merasakan manfaatnya jika mengenakan batu murah meriah dengan warna yang sesuai dengan cakra tubuhnya.

Pada tubuh manusia, menurut Hadi, ada tujuh cakra. "Nah, warna batu murah meriah akik klawing disesuaikan dengan ketujuh cakra itu," kata Hadi ketika ditemui di Jakarta Gems Center (JGC) Rawabening, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur pada Rabu 3 September 2014

Lelaki yang menggeluti ilmu reiki sejak 1997 ini percaya tubuhnya senantiasa sehat berkat mengenakan warna batu murah meriah yang sesuai dengan cakranya. Seperti batu murah meriah akik klawing kuning yang dikenakan di jari manis kanannya.

"batu murah meriah kuning untuk cakra solar plexus atau ulu hati. batu murah meriah ini baik untuk kesehatan pencernaan dan ginjal," ujar pria yang membuka pengobatan alternatif dengan menggunakan batu murah meriah itu. Selain baik untuk tubuh, batu murah meriah kuning juga membawa keberuntungan atau kemakmuran.

Selain warna kuning, Hadi menjelaskan, warna batu murah meriah akik klawing lainnya beserta pasangan cakranya adalah sebagai berikut:
- batu murah meriah akik klawing merah untuk cakra dasar pada ginjal dan usus besar
- batu murah meriah akik klawing jingga untuk cakra seksualitas pada alat kelamin
- batu murah meriah akik klawing hijau untuk cakra jantung
- batu murah meriah akik klawing biru untuk cakra tenggorokan
- batu murah meriah akik klawing biru tua untuk cakra mata ketiga, pada mata, hidung, dan telinga
- batu murah meriah akik klawing ungu untuk cakra mahkota pada ubun-ubun